Interview: Vijf snelle vragen aan Engadget topper Tim Stevens

Tim Stevens

Vijf snelle vragen aan wat voor ons misschien wel de top van de wereld is. Tim Stevens heeft zijn liefde met auto's kunnen professionaliseren door te gaan schrijven bij Niet veel later maakte hij de stap naar, de technologie en gadget website binnen dezelfde AOL groep. Tim Stevens is er Hoofd-Redacteur en mag je gerust een gadget-guru op wereldniveau noemen. We stelden hem met Autofans 5 snelle vragen in verband met auto's en technologie. Hier vinden jullie zijn steeds bescheiden mening over Microsoft, Apple en de balans tussen veiligheid en nut van infotainmentsystemen.

Q1: What do you think of Microsoft's software in cars, and how do you think it will develop on the long term?

windows infotainmentsystem

***Microsoft has been making a huge push on the automotive front with Windows Embedded, which powers SYNC and a few other infotainment systems. The company is definitely ahead of the curve on that front and I think it has provided the foundation for companies to do very interesting things in their dashboards. I think Microsoft has done a great job and infotainment systems will only get better because of it.



Q2: What's your opinion when it comes to technology in cars? Do you think current software can handle as well entertainment as safety? ***

Absolutely. We've seen a lot of interesting innovation from companies both making in-car entertainment more interesting and safer as well. Tesla is looking to use the passenger airbag sensor to determine whether to allow interaction with the center console, Mercedes-Benz has LCDs that show two images simultaneously, and of course Ford has done a lot to further voice recognition in the car. These are just the beginning.


apple icar

***Q3: There have been a lot of rumours about the famous Apple iCar. What do you expect Apple to do in the carindustry?

I don't see Apple making its own car for a very, very long time. But, I could see them partnering with a manufacturer to exclusively include Apple technology in the car itself. And, if that goes well, maybe they'll branch off. (As they did with Motorola before the iPhone.)


2002 Subaru WRX

Q4: What do you drive yourself?

I'm lucky to have a number of options. My main car is a 2002 Subaru WRX, which I ice race and rallycross whenever I can. I also have a 1991 Toyota MR-2, which I've owned for 16 years now and I ride a 2005 Triumph Speed Triple. I also have a race kart. And no, I sadly don't have a lot of time to drive any of them.


tom tom

Q5: What's the best gadget you can get in your car? What the best technology concerning to you?***

GPS Navigation is still the best gadget in a car, and with connected devices providing the navigation it's getting even better thanks to the ability to provide gas prices, restaurant reviews, etc. etc. Bluetooth streaming audio is also a great addition.

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Wim 09:55
Portrait de Wim

cool job + cool cars = topkerel :p

Techno Patat 10:20
Portrait de Techno Patat

Op Q4: Jammer, dat is de lelijkste Sub dat er is van de WRX klasse! En al zeker jammer dat het geen STI is (die op de foto is wel een STI, hij heeft volgens de tekst 'maar' een wrx...)! Die Bugeyes komen totaal niet over als de agressieve rallybeesten die het zijn! Dan is een hawkeye veel beter!

Het is een kerel die duidelijk meegaat met zijn tijd, al deel ik z'n mening niet volledig over het microsoft deel! Maar z'n gedachtengang bij de Apple-car is ook precies wat ik er van in gedachten had! Al lijkt het me wel simpeler om een iDinges te ontwerpen dan een auto :p!

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